As a reminder, osteopathy is a manual medicine listed by the WHO, practiced by qualified practitioners, a first-line medicine (ie without a prescription from the general practitioner), complementary to traditional medicine.

The first trauma experienced by the infant is childbirth.
Osteopathy for infants and babies is one of the areas of osteopathy requiring the greatest gentleness. It allows the child to start his life by eliminating from the start the tensions and pain that can be exerted on the subject following the traumatic event that is childbirth. Unexplained crying or recurring complaints in your child must be taken into account, but above all taken care of. For this, your osteopath is there to help you and also there to accompany your child during his post-delivery development. This is why an early postnatal check-up (in the first weeks) is recommended.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons for consultation for babies
Head asymmetry
Regurgitation, vomiting
Sucking disorders
Recurrent otitis or rhinitis
Digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, colic…
Sleeping troubles
Good to know
According to Viola Fryman, one of the pioneers of osteopathy in infants, 80% of children should consult an osteopath after birth.
During its growth, the child is subjected to many constraints.
Childhood and adolescence are key stages in an individual's development. A child is not only a small adult, it is above all a being in its own right with its own needs. During his growth, the child / adolescent will undergo many changes whether on the morpho-physiological aspect but especially undergo repeated trauma (falls, sport,). It is a part of life where the body is in perpetual modification to tend towards its adult body. This is why an osteopathic follow-up throughout its evolution will be useful to set up.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons for consultation for children:
Spinal growth disorders (scoliosis, hyperlordosis, etc.)
Back pain, muscle aches...
Headaches, migraines, headaches
Back pain, muscle aches...
Transit disorders
Difficulty concentrating, dyslexia, nervousness, stress...
Sleeping troubles
Good to know
Any change in the way the teeth fit together (orthodontic displacements, placement of a prosthesis, extraction) leads to a postutal adaptation. The intervention of an osteopath makes it possible to facilitate this adaptation or to correct the inconveniences.

Depending on the history and background of each, the body has stored many traumas that the body seeks to adapt throughout the day.
The osteopathic care of an adult takes into account pain, surgical, traumatic and pathological history. All these antecedents can disturb the general harmony of the body (homeostasis). This will result in causing pain. Your osteopath takes into account your daily activities (sports, professional attitudes, etc.) But he also takes into account the effects of stress and fatigue.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons for consultation for adults:
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system (sequela of sprain, osteoarthritis, etc.)
Back pain (lumbar, dorsal, cervical)
Headaches and some dizziness
Digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain)
Sleep disorders, anxiety, anguish...
Aftermath of operation or post-traumatic aftermath
Pregnancy requires the body of the future mother to constantly adapt.
During pregnancy, a woman's body is constantly changing. Very strong articular and ligamentous pressures are undergone by the body, because of the weight gain, the development of the fetus and the growth of the uterus.... These strong pressures can result in pain. It is advisable to come for a consultation every 2 or 3 months during pregnancy to monitor these various changes and prevent pain. In addition to all this work, the osteopath will help (in symbiosis with other practitioners in anticipation of childbirth) the future mother to optimally prepare for childbirth. But also allow it to flourish throughout pregnancy. Finally, it is advisable after giving birth to carry out a post-natal consultation in order to rebalance the various structures disturbed throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons for consultation for pregnant women:
Back problems (sacralgia, lumbago, back pain, neck pain)
Sciatica, cruralgia
Digestive disorders (acid reflux, difficult digestion, constipation, etc.)
Fatigue, stress, tightness
Sleeping troubles
Circulatory disorders
Postpartum assessment
Joint pain and back disorders
Urinary incontinence
Pain during intercourse
scar work
Baby blues, anxiety, stress, fatigue...
Good to know
Your osteopath can also be recommended in the case of desire for pregnancy, faced with infertility without apparent causes. Your osteopath will ensure the good mobility of the articular structures as well as the organic structures (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes), vascular or nervous. This will aim to promote fertilization.

Early and regular osteopathic care allows the senior to gain functionality by having an action on the physical dimension in a sustainable way.
At any age our body continues to undergo transformations. Over the years the ligaments lose their elasticity, the cartilages wear out and become thinner, the muscle fibers are reduced. All of these problems will cause discomfort on a daily basis, such as the inability to comb one's hair, tie shoes, wash, etc. This natural and physiological evolution can lead to pain, even motor difficulties.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons for consultation for seniors:
Balance sheet
Back pain (lumbar, dorsal, cervical)
Joint pain
Difficulty of locomotion
Limb numbness
Functional urinary and anal incontinence
Neuralgia: sciatica, cruralgia, cervico-brachial neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia…
Digestive disorders: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain
Sleeping troubles
Depression, depression, anxiety, anxiety, nervousness
Good to know
According to all the studies, 3 out of 4 seniors suffer from chronic pain and more than 80% of this affects the musculoskeletal system (joints, muscles, etc.). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of elderly people will be multiplied by 3. This pain is therefore becoming a public health issue.
The athlete is a patient like the others, he is simply subject to specific problems related to the practice of his sport.
An athlete is an individual like any other but who uses his body to achieve above-average performance. To achieve this, he will require a lot of effort from his body. The risk of injury is therefore increased for this category of the population. It should still be noted that the practice of a sport will have a positive effect on our state of health (cardiovascular maintenance, bodybuilding, reduction of stress). Osteopathy is an effective way to improve the performance of gesture or sporting activity while increasing recovery after exercise. The osteopath can intervene on 2 levels in the athlete, both preventive and curative.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons for consultation for athletes:
Preparation for a sporting event and improvement of performance
Rebalancing the body before an event
Assessment to prevent future problems encountered by the athlete
Recovery after exertion
Back pain
joint disorders
Sprains, tendonitis
Muscle pain (contractures, strains, ruptures, etc.)
Post-operative disorders

Disability (motor or physical) whatever its reason, is often accompanied by discomfort and functional disorders.
Osteopathy knows its limits and does not claim to treat people with disabilities. However, it is possible to help the patients to work out their compensations to live best with this handicap. To do this, the osteopath will use different techniques to help people with disabilities. Osteopathic treatment often brings the patient a better comfort of life. But more than this comfort, osteopathy contributes to reducing the nervousness, the suffering and the tensions which are exerted at the patients.
The osteopath will seek to work on various types of problems such as:
Pain related to bodily postures
Transit disorders
sleep disorders
stress and anxiety
Osteopathy allows the preventive and curative management of musculoskeletal disorders (TMS within the company).
Over the past few years, osteopathy, which has historically been practiced in private practice, has successfully found its place in the business world. If this practice is still marginal and reserved for companies that wish to do everything possible for their employees. Everyone can win. Each year in France almost 10.8 million days of incapacity for work (2010 figure) are issued by different doctors. Among these stops, about 80% represent MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). It should be noted that half of MSDs are not reported to employers.
Osteopathic treatment will therefore allow your company to:
Reduction of work-related pain
Improved employee mood
Improved reporting relationships
Recognition of the employee not linked solely to his pay.
Reduced stress and improved employee well-being.
Optimization of workstations
But we can also note for the company:
Reduced work stoppages
Reduced costs related to these shutdowns
Reduced absenteeism
Reduced time spent dealing with staff
Improvement of the social climate.